
Habit-forming products are built by creating feedback loops around these components:

  1. Triggers:

    Triggers prompt the user to take action.

    1. Internal Triggers: Notifications, Emails, Advertisements
    2. External Triggers: Routines, Boredom, Loneliness, Need for social interaction
  2. Action:

    The behavior that user performs in anticipation of reward. The action must be simple and easy to perform.

    Simplicity: Actions must be simpler than thought.

    Factors that affect Simplicity include Time, Money, Physical Effort, Brain cycles, Social Deviance, Non-Routine.

    Reduce Friction as much as possible.

    Motivation + Ability + Trigger must converge for Action to happen.

  3. Variable rewards:

    The reward must be kept variable as unpredictability creates excitement.

    1. Tribal Rewards - Likes, Comments, Followers
    2. Hunter Rewards - Scrolling newsfeed, Searching for rewards
    3. Self rewards - Mastering a skill, Completing a task
  4. Investment:

    The more a user invests (Time, Money, Data, Effort, Social Capital, Money) in a product, the more likely they are to stick with it.

    Future Triggers: Create future triggers to complete the feedback loop.